Music Video: Beer In A Wine Glass

We recently shot another music video with local Olympia rap duo Double B & Laces, the track is called Beer In A Wine Glass. We had a blast working with these two, they bring the same high energy and excitement you get at one of their live shows to any project they are involved with. The video for BIAWG has a Lonely Island vibe, it's big, over the top and funny. A bunch of people came out on the day of shooting. My good friend Michael Porter was director of photography and 2nd camera. We had a fantastic lead girl by the name of Serenity Skye, she's a great model and very easy to work with! We also had dancers for the dance routine, Brianna Jones was our choreography director. A bunch of local rappers came out to show support as well as a fine group of well dressed characters that really brought the whole thing together nicely! Check out their EP Up All Night on iTunes!

The Uncluded at the Olympia Timberland Library

Tonight was the first stop for The Uncluded Tour where almost 700 people turned out for a free, all-ages show at the Olympia Timberland Library. It was truly a unique and amazing experience with all types of young and old in attendance. Aesop Rock & Kimya Dawson put on a raw performance in a quirky environment that suited their sound so perfectly. If you haven't heard their album Hokey Fright yet, I suggest you check it out. Keep scrolling to see a video of them performing live on KEXP last year.

Music Video: Head In The Clouds

Since the first time seeing Double B perform live, I was hooked on his energy and I was eager to collaborate with him on a music video. Bobby contacted me back in February to begin working on this project and I was stoked to say the least! We shot a little promo video for his Indiegogo campaign which was a success; huge thanks to all who gave their support financially! Then we sat down a few times to go over the amazing concept Bobby had.

Bobby really put some thought into the main character, "Lightbulb Hands" and
how we could capture the heart of the track. We needed to figure out how to rig up the main character with some lightbulb hands (on a tiny special effects budget)! We also wanted to use a dimmer switch to show his change in emotion. Big thanks to our talented chief electrician/safety coordinator Steven Boessow for making that happen!

We connected Lightbulb Hands to a 100ft extension cord and marched up and down 4th Ave in Olympia, WA. We were quite the scene! It was a really fun time shooting this and working with such a talented artist. Be sure to check out Double B's music and don't miss a chance to see Double B & TJ Laces live; they rock a killer set!!