Ten Hundred | Reincarnated

If you didn't already know, some of the most dope, original art and music is coming out of the Northwest as it has for years, people are just starting to pay more attention to the upper left coast lately. Somebody that more and more people are paying attention to is Peter Robinson, AKA P Smoov (of Fresh Espresso & MAD RAD) AKA Ten Hundred (painter, creator, maker, dreamer). He has been a major player in the NW music scene and has been making waves with his unique art style and approach. He paints over old canvases and covers them with vibrant, offbeat characters from another universe, such as the Watcher - a diamond shaped creature who sees all that unfolds in this alternate reality. Previously, we did a short film for Peter where we followed the creation of a piece from start to finish in 48 hours. He teamed up with us again to document the creation and preparation for one of his biggest shows yet, Ten Hundred- Reincarnated. We shot for three days over the course of a month to show some the intricacies of putting on a show of this caliber. The check video link below the photos; in the meantime, here are some behind-the-scenes shots leading up to the Ten Hundred art show. 

Ten Hundred Art Movement

I spent the early part of this week shooting a mini documentary of Peter Robinson, and his art as the painter Ten Hundred. I was super stoked to get this chance since I have also been a huge fan of his rapping/producer work as P Smoov (Mad Rad & Fresh Espresso) in the Seattle area.

Peter's Ten Hundred art is made over strange paintings/canvases found in thrift shops or friends' living rooms. Over these canvases he creates weird, vibrant creatures using bold paints & India ink markers. For two days, I had the amazing opportunity to watch the gradual makings of a masterpiece! The piece sold within 24 hrs for $500. 

The whole experience of seeing the Ten Hundred art process from start to finish was incredible. Peter & I said goodbye over a game of Ping Pong, in which he put the hurt on me. What a guy! Be sure to check out Ten Hundred art, and look out for the mini documentary coming soon; it's really something to see in person!!