We recently shot another music video with local Olympia rap duo Double B & Laces, the track is called Beer In A Wine Glass. We had a blast working with these two, they bring the same high energy and excitement you get at one of their live shows to any project they are involved with. The video for BIAWG has a Lonely Island vibe, it's big, over the top and funny. A bunch of people came out on the day of shooting. My good friend Michael Porter was director of photography and 2nd camera. We had a fantastic lead girl by the name of Serenity Skye, she's a great model and very easy to work with! We also had dancers for the dance routine, Brianna Jones was our choreography director. A bunch of local rappers came out to show support as well as a fine group of well dressed characters that really brought the whole thing together nicely! Check out their EP Up All Night on iTunes!
Girl Power!!
I made this video for a competition put on by the Blue Scholars, a hip hop group from Seattle. I placed as an honorable mention, and I had a blast making it! In fact, this was one of my favorite videos I made last year. I have learned a lot from my amazing wife in the last three years, and I wanted this video to be a celebration of all women. So watch this video - have fun, and celebrate life with these women! I dare you not to smile ;)