Weekly Volcano Best of Olympia with TUSH!

On a typically drizzly Wednesday the artist and do gooders came out in force to celebrate the Best of Olympia awards party hosted by the Weekly Volcano last night at Capitol Theater. There was a really great turnout and lots of Olympia Pride on display. Hosted by the magical Elizabeth Lord, who was a mighty fine looking mustached cowboy. Entertainment was provided by Olympia's Own TUSH! burlesque troupe. Live music was provided by Science! and Mosquito Hawk. I was announced the Best Music Video Producer in Olympia which was awesome! Really looking forward to working with some of the people I met. I wish I could have shot more smiling faces but all in all, it was a great night!

Erev Rav

We did a quick promo shoot with the high energy and quirky Erev Rav.  They are a lively bunch, definitely bringing that cool vibe and good energy to the stage. We will be shooting a video with them in March and it will be a hoot! Look for that soon, meanwhile check out Erev Rav's music and make sure to catch one of their shows this year!